Karl Drinkwater

About Karl

Karl Drinkwater is an author with a silly name and a thousand-mile stare. He writes dystopian space opera, dark suspense and diverse social fiction. If you want compelling stories and characters worth caring about, then you’re in the right place. Welcome!

Karl lives in Scotland and owns two kilts. He has degrees in librarianship, literature and classics, but also studied astronomy and philosophy. Dolly the cat helps him finish books by sleeping on his lap so he can’t leave the desk. When he isn’t writing he loves music, nature, games and vegan cake.

Enter your email at Karl Drinkwater’s Words & Worlds to be notified about his new books. Fans mean a lot to him, and replies to the newsletter go straight to his inbox, where every email is read. There is also an option for paid subscribers to support his work: in exchange you receive additional posts and complimentary books.

“Each book remains in my mind for a long time after. Anything he writes is a must-read.” —Pink Quill Books“Karl Drinkwater makes it near impossible to stop reading. Expect late nights. Simply outstanding.” —Jera’s Jamboree“An intelligent and empathetic writer who has a clear understanding of the world around him and the truly horrific experiences life can bring. A literary gem.” —Cooking The Books“Drinkwater is a dab hand at creating an air of dread.” —Altered Instinct“A gifted writer. Each book brings its own uniqueness to the table, and a table Drinkwater sets is one I will visit every time." —Scintilla

Lost Solace

Dystopian space opera involving alien Lost Ships, and a galaxy-spanning friendship between two remarkable women."Opal is a memorable figure, both because of her indomitable will and her innate values." —Scintilla

Lost Tales Of Solace

Standalone novellas set in the Lost Solace universe."Packed full of action and tension, with subtle humour in there, too. Drinkwater creates fantastically believable characters." —On The Shelf Reviews


Books with a touch of darkness: thrillers, monsters or horror."Darkness, intrigue and your worst nightmares await. The author has a way of drawing you in and painting believable characters and plots." —Cooking The Books


Modern fiction about relationships, society, families, romance or coming of age."The themes include loss, survival, hope and realisation. The people in all of these stories had every possibility of being real, they could be your next-door neighbour or a cousin. The situations were ones that anyone could find themselves in." —Beyond The Books

Contact Karl

To sign up for Karl's newsletter, enter your email at Karl Drinkwater’s Words & Worlds.Otherwise, use the form on the right to get in touch. Fan mail, speaking opportunities, and large amounts of money are always welcome.Karl also offers author services: support with writing, editing and publishing. Contact him to see whether he can help you. Topics include editing, book cover design, and general advice. Karl also runs creative writing workshops, such as WRITE!

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Karl reads every email, and always loves to hear from fans, though he can't reply to every message.(And spam is flagged and deleted mercilessly!)